Friday, May 29, 2009

First time eating tabbouleh

Went out to lunch to catch up with some old friends, Patrick and Alice. Originally intended to hit up Cabo Grill on Richmond and Fountainview (in Houston), but they had closed or moved and were no longer there. Instead, we went to Fadi's Mediterranean Grill, which was nearby. When we went in, the place was beautifully set up with tablecloths and glasses as if it were prepared for an elegant dinner. We were the first customers there. I steeled myself for an expensive meal, but the prices were really awesome for the quality of food and the setting. They started us off with chips that were like thin pita chips, but even more delicious. I ordered the lamb sandwich with tabbouleh. The sandwich surprised me by being in wrap form. My mom, who doesn't like lamb, would have approved because the lamb didn't have that distinctive lamb smell/taste. It was my first time eating tabbouleh, and I guess it's an acquired taste that I haven't acquired yet. >.< The dish was mostly parsley and tomato chunks, and it tasted very sour. Alice and Patrick seemed to really like it. I guess I'll just have to try again. All in all, Fadi's is highly recommended for lunch, and I would definitely go again! ^.^ Also, if you like watching Arabic music videos while you eat, they have 2 large TVs that were playing them the whole time. =P

1 comment:

Llamaentity said...

The tabbouleh sounds interesting... but the lamb sandwich sounds great! Makes me want to try lamb even more....

(P.S. I like wraps!)