Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Melting pot

A bunch of us went to The Melting Pot for Girls Night Out. Our meal consisted of 3 courses: appetizers with melted cheese, entree that was cooked in oil or soup, and dessert dipped in melted chocolate. For those of you who haven't gone, you stab food with skewers, dip or cook them in the pots, and eat! I also got a yin yang drink. I'm pretty sure they accidentally forgot to put alcohol in it, but they refused to admit mistake, so whatever. All in all, the experience was fun, and I enjoyed hanging out with friends. Melting Pot also seems like a great place to take a date. ~.^ Now for pictures!

1 comment:

Llamaentity said...

*takes notes*

Looks pretty bice'd. I've never been to a melting pot place (including the Melting Pot), but it looks like a fun sort of place! X}D

The drink looks cool... too bad they forgot the alcohols 8'C